The Battle Within


I felt his presence again just the other night. It had been awhile. Time was prime for his appearance. I was tired. There was a crowd about us. In a hurry. The person before me was … in a mood. And then, it happened.

A verbal attack thrust upon me. Or so it seemed in my weak state. Calm, yet pointed. And he almost got out. My old self. My prideful self. The one quick to anger and adept with pointed words. On the tip of my tongue he sat, ready to pounce.

The battle on the outside is really a battle within.

The Holy Spirit is always more ready than I. I remembered Psalm 119:165 (no need to be offended). I recalled Prov 13:10 (contention is caused by pride) and Prov 26:20 (no wood, no fire). And 2 Cor 4:17 put things in proper perspective (this problem is lightweight compared). In my mind’s eye and ear, I watched Stephen stoned and heard his last words of forgiveness (Acts 7:60).

My old self was kept at bay. A sincere and courteous parting I offered to my opponent. I departed in victory. Yet, I struggled for a few moments as pride from the victory began to rise up within me. The wrestling match continues (Eph 6:12).

I know that only by the mighty power of God was I able to withstand these so small battle. Only because of the gift of God was I able to bear a good witness. Only because I have access to God through Christ, was I able to confess these innermost thoughts and rest assured that I am cleansed. Victory over the battle within.

Jesus knows. While hanging from the cross, innocent yet punished in the worst of ways. All the while, knowing why and for whom (for you, for me). Blameless. So that He could say, “It is finished,” and be for each who receives His gift, the way and the truth for eternal life with Him (John 14:6). Thank you, Jesus.

Reflecting Up

reflective glass

It is not for modesty — but for Glory’s sake.

If there be any good that come from me, my words or the work of my hands: It is not I, but Christ from within; with the Holy Spirit as my guide.

I’ve found if compliments to me are given, I may receive them for just a bit. Then, rather than reject them, reflecting them upward to the heavenly.

For I know too well who I have been apart from God. I know the (old) man I still wrestle with inside. And, while glad for the praise, I more adore finding ways I can give proper attribution to the One from whom all good gifts come:

To God be the glory, through Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit given.

Photo via Pixabay

Quiet Writer for an Unquiet Mind

hand writing

Quiet Writer for an Unquiet Mind

A Practice of Prose in the Testing of a Tool

By writing in the manner in which I first grew accustomed (Just Spill!), I will be able to get more words from out of my head and onto the page.

Flowing, without much concern to the readability or legibility of the prose – until after it is written – will free me up to be faster as a typist, more clear as a generator of ideas, and more prolific as a writer.

The goal of my writing is to clear my unquiet mind. By wringing out words currently saturating my brain, I will be able to think more clearly. However, that is simply the selfish (primary?) reason.

Believing what I have to share can be of value to others, isn’t it then my responsibility to generously share what I have? To do otherwise would be boorishly hoarding.

Thus, to find a way to rid my head of these ideas and thoughts, while still capturing them for keepsake (or discard when necessary), is of premiere priority.

Finding the Chrome extension, Quiet Writer, might help me to continuously write as spilling comes to mind.

This is my first writing with this easy-to-use tool.

Photo on Pixabay by annazuc

Kick ‘Em: America’s Funniest Failings and Foul-ups

banana peel

Maybe it started in the in the early 90’s with America’s Funniest Home Videos. The hit television series has run for 26 years, and became a hit before Reality TV and crowdsourced voting became popular.

We watch others falling down, getting hurt, and making errors. Since then, our society has become quick to kick people when they fall and foul-up. Laughing out loud while they roll on the floor in pain.

I don’t get it.

We can’t blame AFV, really. They simply recognized something popular with the people and presented it for all to see. Though I don’t watch the show, I’m sure they share empathy after the laughter subsides.

In this generation of failure as a spectator sport, what would the priest, the Levite, or the Good Samaratin (Luke 10:30-37) do today?

Human failings can lead to human successes. Instead of mocking and kicking, shouldn’t we practice and speak with encouragement and edification (Eph 4:29)?

Lifestyles Not My Kind

working on laptop in coffee shop

I know this guy. He hunts and fishes and celebrates his bounty with boisterous excitement to all within his vocal aim. His lifestyle is not my lifestyle. When I see him, I tell him in some way, “I love you, man.” And I do. With Christ as my example.

I know this woman. Hard-working mother and wife. Except for her smoking habit, she’s in great health. She likes to talk about what she watches on television (usually reality TV) or how she did at the bingo games. Her lifestyle is not my lifestyle. When I see her, I find a way to let her know, “I love you, friend.” And I do. With Christ as my example.

I know this young guy. He has a giving heart and a contagious laugh. His tattoos are colorful and abundant. His partner doesn’t have tattoos (that I’ve seen), but he’s probably thinking about it because he’s often bragging about the other guy. He has smiling eyes. Their lifestyle is not my lifestyle. When I see them together, we laugh and smile. I want to show them, “I love you guys.” And I do. With Christ as my example.

There are many people who do things differently, living lifestyles that are not my kind of lifestyle. I want to love them. I find ways to love them. When I look for ways to love, it’s easy to find. And I do.

With Christ as my example.

Photo from DollarPhotoClub