A Virtuous Woman. One of noble character.
The Bible points out in Prov 31:10 that such a woman is more valuable than rare gems, and must be hard to find:
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
We hear about “strong” women and “hard-working” women. I’m not sure I agree with the labels in blanket form. A woman is a woman. Is someone who is not a “strong” woman the opposite of such?
Much of what is written in Proverbs 31 lists some of these better traits and behaviors. Maybe the verses in this chapter are the resume of a virtuous woman. Or maybe …
After all those listed, in Prov 31:30 we read, in part:
…but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
I believe a Proverbs 31 woman (or man) is sold out, given up, and surrendered to God. Not just waiting on God with patience, but waiting on God in service.
The things a virtuous woman does, what she believes, how she behaves, what she says – are because of and in hopes to please God.
It is a blessing to be married to such a woman. She is pictured here. Praying on a rooftop, on foreign soil.
Living a life in faith and of obedience – to God. Virtuously. Victoriously.