Just Walk Away

young boy with a halt hand

There are some conversations that are simply unprofitable for anyone. The longer it goes on, the worse it gets. I’ve had my share of those.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding. – Prov 9:6

There are times to engage, and times to disengage. There are people that will be worth the effort, and others that it will be better to walk away. And some people, who are normally worth the effort, have foolish moments.

The Holy Spirit will guide you in appropriate times, especially if you are investing time in study and prayer. Incline your ear to God.

Keep in mind Prov 9:6-10 during conversations that continue to go south. Sometimes, it’s best just to walk away.

In the Early Going

Early Morning Reflection

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. – Prov 8:17

Do we seek God early? What is early for some, might not be so early for others. Is the “early” in Prov 8:17 limited to a time of day? Or a time in life?

If we consider Matt 6:33, and “seek ye first, the Kingdom of God”, then perhaps “early” can be in a situation. At the beginning of the day, the beginning stages of a project, or the first leg of a trip … seek first, God and His will.

Approach a matter in prayer at the early going (Php 4:6), and the going is sure to be greater.

Strange Lusts

Ferrari Lust

Lust. Physical, but not always sexual. For that which we don’t have – and probably shouldn’t want. It grabs at our attention and lures us away from God.

From Prov 7:4-5

“Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman: That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words.”

“But wait a minute there. How can a car flatter me with words?” Can bling sing? Good question. Is ‘Wow’ a word?

The false attraction of what is strange to us, things not ours to hold, can be tempting, but guard your heart (Prov 4:23) with wisdom and truth.

Snap Out of It!

Man Binge Watching on Couch

Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep – Prov 6:9

It starts with a little. A little sleep. A little slumber. A little folding of the hands to sleep. Binge resting. Maybe it doesn’t always include a closing of the eyes, but as with many unprofitable pastimes – it probably will lead to poverty.

When “just a little …” or “just one more” begins to multiply … Snap Out of It!

The Hare laid back for a little snooze – and lost the race.

Photo via DollarPhotoClub

Under Watchful Eyes

Watched Steps

Remember your childhood years? I used to hope someone was looking when I was doing good, and really hope no one would be watching when I was doing bad.

But God sees all things, watching and weighing every step while we walk this journey of life.

In Prov 5:21, we read this promise:

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.

Of course, this is a warning against making bad choices, but so is Num 32:23.

We could also see His watchful eye as a great comfort and blessing. It’s why we sing :

I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

For me, I’m more apt to choose good and turn away from bad knowing that with every step, every thought, that I have an audience. An audience of One (Gal 1:10).